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Draft General Management Plan/Environmental Assessment
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I am pleased to announce that the Draft General Management Plan and Environmental Assessment (GMP/EA) for Hovenweep National Monument is now available for a 30-day public review and comment period.
The GMP presents two alternatives to direct resource protection, visitor use and experience, and site operations for Hovenweep National Monument park management for the next 15-20 years. Alternative A, the no-action alternative, proposes that the National Park Service would coninue to manage the national monument as it is currently being managed. Existing operations and visitor facilities would remain in place. No new construction would be authorized. Efforts would continue to protect and preserve significant cultural and natural resources. Nature ecological processes would be allowed to occur, and restoration programs would be initiated where necessary.
Management under Alternative B, the National Park Service preferred alternative, would on focus on preserving the resources and the remote and primitive character of Hovenweep National Monument. Resource preservation efforts would be enhanced by limited, conservation -oriented archeological research that would help guide future resource protection. Monument staff would initiate the development of regional visitor use and education plans and preservation programs in partnership with other agencies and organizations. Protection of important vistas from and within the monument units would be an important part of these partnership initiatives.
Additional development under this alternative would be minimal, in keeping with the overall objective of maintaining the monument's primitive qualities. A small maintenance facility would be constructed at the Square Tower unit to replace the existing maintenance shed. Some small-scale improvements could be made to parking areas, trails and informational signs. Vault toilets would be installed at key locations to replace existing pit toilets.
This draft plan is the culmination of an extensive team effort that included consultation and coordination with federal, state, and local officials, tribal governments, and members of the general public via newsletters, public meetings, government consultation, and other means.
We welcome your comments on the draft plan. Please submit your comments on this web site by selecting the "Open for Comment" link to the left. Comments should be received by September 29, 2011.
Two public meetings will be held on the general management plan. We hope yout will attend and share your thoughts on the plan. Meetings will be held as follows:
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. (MDT)
The Blanding Arts and Events Center
715 W 200 S, Blanding, Utah, 88418
Thursday, September 8, 2011
6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. (MDT)
Cortez Public Library
202 North Park, Cortez, Cortez, Colorado 81321
We appreciate your interest in Hovenweep National Monument and your assistance with developing this important plan for the future.
For further information about this document, please contact me at:
Superintendent Coralee Hays
Hovenweep National Monument
McElmo Route
Cortez, Colorado 81321
Coralee S. Hays