Quarry Visitor Center

Dinosaur National Monument » Quarry Visitor Center » Document List

Dear Interested Party:

Posted for your review is the Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Quarry Visitor Center Treatment Project for Dinosaur National Monument. The document identifies and assesses the various management alternatives and related environmental impacts relative to the removal of the Quarry Visitor Center, a national historic landmark.

Five alternatives were developed and analyzed for this project. Alternative A would have continued current management. Alternative B, the Preferred Alternative will rehabilitate or replace the Quarry Visitor Center exhibit hall and construct a new facility off-site. Other alternatives considered included Alternative C, which would have retained the exhibit hall and constructed a new facility at the Quarry Visitor Center Site. Alternative D would have retained the Exhibit Hall and constructed wings similar to the existing facility. Alternative E would have demolished the entire facility and constructed a new facility at the Quarry Visitor Center site.
For information or questions concerning the Quarry Visitor Center Treatment Project, please contact me at the park.

Public participation was very important to the successful completion of this environmental impact statement. We thank you for your interest in the project and we appreciate your concern for the future of Dinosaur National Monument.


Mary Risser
Dinosaur National Monument