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Right-of Way Permit for the City of Asheville to Access Blue Ridge Parkway Bridge
Blue Ridge Parkway » Right-of Way Permit for the City of Asheville to Access Blue Ridge Parkway Bridge » Document List
The FONSI has determined that there will be no significant environmental impacts that would occur by issuing a 10-year ROW permit to the City of Asheville for access to Bridge #11283 and the adjacent portions of abandoned State Route 2836 as described in the Preferred Alternative in the 'Right-of-Way Permit for the City of Asheville to Access Blue Ridge Parkway Bridge' Environmental Assessment.
The National Park Service has determined that the proposed project will not significantly affect the human environment within the project area; therefore, an environmental impact statement will not be prepared.
We thank you for your comments regarding the project. Public participation is a key element in the environmental review process at the Blue Ridge Parkway. Your participation helps to ensure that the National Park Service fully understands and considers your values and concerns.