Grand Canyon National Park - All Documents and Projects

Intermountain » Arizona

Listed in the table below are plans or projects and associated documents that have been posted to the public for the selected NPS unit. Click on the project title for more information on the whole project or on the document title for information on the specific document.

For general information, use the 'Park/Unit Information' link to the left to go to the park's main internet page to access park information not related to park planning (for example, park brochures, lodging and campground reservations, and general park information).

Project Title Document Title Review End Project Type
Bright Angel Trailhead Area Design Plan Bright Angel Trailhead Area Design Plan Mar 01, 2006 Other
Greenway V from Pipe Creek Vista to South Kaibab Trailhead Request for Comments on Proposal Jul 03, 2006 Other
South Rim Visitor Transportation Plan South Rim Visitor Transportation Plan Newsletter #1 Sep 13, 2006 Transportation Plan
Bright Angel Creek Trout Reduction Project Bright Angel Creek Trout Reduction Project EA/AEF Oct 02, 2006 Other
Narrowband/Digital Radio System Conversion Superintendent's Letter Requesting Comments for Public Scoping on Radio System Conversion Oct 28, 2006 Other
Hermit Road Rehabilitation Hermit Road Rehabilitation Environmental Assessment Nov 06, 2006 Repair/Rehabilitation
South Entrance Road Improvements South Entrance Road Improvements - Public Scoping Jun 17, 2007 Repair/Rehabilitation
Narrowband/Digital Radio System Conversion May 2007 Environmental Assessment Jul 09, 2007 Other
South Entrance Road Improvements South Entrance Road Improvements EA/AEF Aug 20, 2007 Repair/Rehabilitation
Bright Angel Trailhead Area Design Plan Bright Angel Trailhead Area Design Plan Environmental Assessment Dec 21, 2007 Other
Greenway V from Pipe Creek Vista to South Kaibab Trailhead Greenway V Environmental Assessment Feb 11, 2008 Other
South Rim Visitor Transportation Plan South Rim Visitor Transportation Plan Environmental Assessment Mar 19, 2008 Transportation Plan
Substantial Restoration Clarification Federal Register Notice May 09, 2008 Other
Train Operations at Grand Canyon Train Operations at Grand Canyon National Park - Public Scoping Oct 04, 2008 Commercial Services Plan
Fire Management Plan FMP DEIS/AEF Jan 21, 2009 Fire Management Plan
Exotic Plant Management Plan Exotic Plant Management Plan Mar 27, 2009 Resource Management Plan
Science and Resource Management Facility Request for Comments on Proposal (General Scoping) May 06, 2009 Other
Mule Operations and Stock Use Public Scoping for Mule Operations and Stock Use 5-22-09 Jun 22, 2009 Implementation Plan - Other
Train Operations at Grand Canyon Train Operations Environmental Assessment Jul 29, 2009 Commercial Services Plan
Supai Camp Improvements Supai Camp Improvements Environmental Assessment Aug 24, 2009 Implementation Plan - Other
Abandoned Mine Lands Closure Plan for Grand Canyon National Park Abandonded Mine Lands Closure - Public Scoping Brochure Sep 08, 2009 Implementation Plan - Other
Science and Resource Management Facility Environmental Assessment for Review Dec 19, 2009 Other
Science and Resource Management Facility Revised EA for Science and Resource Management Facility Mar 09, 2010 Other
Mule Operations and Stock Use Environmental Assessment for Public Review 3/16/10 Apr 30, 2010 Implementation Plan - Other
Hermit Road Rehabilitation Press Release - Hermit Road FONSI Signed Jun 03, 2010 Repair/Rehabilitation
Hermit Road Rehabilitation Finding of No Significant Impact - Hermit Road Rehabilitation Jun 03, 2010 Repair/Rehabilitation
Special Flight Rules Area in the Vicinity of Grand Canyon National Park Draft Environmental Impact Statement Special Flight Rules Area in the Vicinity of Grand Canyon National Park Jun 20, 2011 Implementation Plan - Other
Backcountry Management Plan Public Scoping April 2011 Jun 27, 2011 Backcountry Management Plan
Long-term Experimental and Management Plan (LTEMP) for the Operation of Glen Canyon Dam Notice of Intent To Prepare a Draft EIS Jan 31, 2012 Other
Comprehensive Fisheries Management Plan Scoping Materials Jun 30, 2012 Resource Management Plan
Comprehensive Fisheries Management Plan Environmental Assessment for Public Review and Comment Jun 10, 2013 Resource Management Plan
Initial Bison Herd Reduction at Grand Canyon National Park 2014 EIS Public Scoping Materials Jun 06, 2014 Resource Management Plan
Proposed Fee Increases at Grand Canyon National Park Press Release - Notification of Public Meeting to Propose an Entrance Fee Increase at Grand Canyon NP Jan 07, 2015 Fee Collection
Initial Bison Herd Reduction at Grand Canyon National Park 2016 Public Scoping Newsletter Mar 26, 2016 Resource Management Plan
Backcountry Management Plan Backcountry Management Plan and Draft Environmental Impact Statement Apr 04, 2016 Backcountry Management Plan
Long-term Experimental and Management Plan (LTEMP) for the Operation of Glen Canyon Dam Glen Canyon Dam Long-Term Experimental and Management Plan Draft Environmental Impact Statement May 09, 2016 Other
Initial Bison Herd Reduction at Grand Canyon National Park Initial Bison Herd Reduction Environmental Assessment Jun 14, 2017 Resource Management Plan
Desert View Inter-tribal Cultural Heritage Site Plan / Environmental Assessment Public Scoping for Desert View Inter-tribal Cultural Heritage Site Plan / Environmental Assessment Mar 06, 2018 Development Concept Plan/Site Plan
Maswik South Rebuild EA Public Scoping for the Maswik South Rebuild EA Jul 27, 2018 Capital Improvement/New Construction
Transcanyon Water Distribution Pipeline Transcanyon Water Distribution Pipeline Environmental Assessment Nov 12, 2018 Other Maintenance Activities
Desert View Inter-tribal Cultural Heritage Site Plan / Environmental Assessment Desert View Inter-tribal Cultural Heritage Site Plan / Environmental Assessment Nov 24, 2018 Development Concept Plan/Site Plan
Maswik South Rebuild EA Available for Public Review: Maswik South Rebuild Environmental Assessment Nov 25, 2018 Capital Improvement/New Construction
Telecommunications Plan for Grand Canyon National Park Public Scoping Aug 20, 2019 Other Plan
Telecommunications Plan for Grand Canyon National Park Grand Canyon National Park Telecommunications Plan and Environmental Assessment Jan 06, 2020 Other Plan
Day-use Reservation System Pilot and Proposed Reservation Ticket Fee at Tuweep Tuweep Day-use Reservation System Pilot Program and Ticket Fee Apr 06, 2022 Special Use Permit
Transcanyon Water Distribution Pipeline Wetland Statement of Findings Dec 23, 2022 Other Maintenance Activities
North Rim Water Sytem Improvements Civic Engagement for North Rim Water System Improvements Jul 05, 2023 Repair/Rehabilitation
Replacement of Grand Canyon Railway Wooden Ballast Bridge Over Bright Angel Wash Removal and Replacement of South Rim Wooden Ballast Bridge Mar 07, 2024 Repair/Rehabilitation
Park Section 106 Programmatic Agreement Programmatic Agreement for Section 106 in Grand Canyon National Park Sep 28, 2024 * Other Natural/Cultural Resource Activities
Backcountry Permit Fee Increase Grand Canyon National Park Seeks Public Comment on Proposed Backcountry Fee Increase Oct 12, 2024 * Fee Collection
Hermit Road Rehabilitation Hermit Road EA release public scoping letter Repair/Rehabilitation
Initial Bison Herd Reduction at Grand Canyon National Park Initial Bison Herd Reduction FONSI signed 09-01-17 Resource Management Plan
South Entrance Road Improvements Finding of No Significant Impact Repair/Rehabilitation
Substantial Restoration Clarification Press Release for Federal Register Notice Other
Fire Management Plan Record of Decision FEIS Fire Management Plan Fire Management Plan
Fire Management Plan Dear Interested Party Letter for the Record of Decision Fire Management Plan
Special Flight Rules Area in the Vicinity of Grand Canyon National Park Press Release-NPS releases Draft EIS Implementation Plan - Other
Special Flight Rules Area in the Vicinity of Grand Canyon National Park Draft EIS - Open House public meeting posters and handouts Implementation Plan - Other
Science and Resource Management Facility FONSI (signed) Other
Proposed Fee Increases at Grand Canyon National Park Poster 2 - Your Fees at Work: Bright Angel Trailhead Renovation Fee Collection
Proposed Fee Increases at Grand Canyon National Park Press Release - Date Announced for Implementation of Grand Canyon NP Entrance Fees Increase Fee Collection
Backcountry Management Plan Corridor Visitor Use Backcountry Management Plan
Transcanyon Water Distribution Pipeline Transcanyon Water Distribution Pipeline FONSI Other Maintenance Activities
Telecommunications Plan for Grand Canyon National Park References Other Plan
Telecommunications Plan for Grand Canyon National Park Grand Canyon National Park Telecommunications Plan FONSI Signed 11-19-20 Other Plan
Bright Angel Creek Trout Reduction Project Press Release August 31, 2006 Other
Bright Angel Creek Trout Reduction Project Finding of No Significant Impact Other
Narrowband/Digital Radio System Conversion Signed FONSI Feb. 7, 2008 Other
Abandoned Mine Lands Closure Plan for Grand Canyon National Park February 12, 2010 Letter to Announce EA and Public Comment Period Implementation Plan - Other
Mule Operations and Stock Use Press Release Announcing FONSI Implementation Plan - Other
Narrowband/Digital Radio System Conversion Photos of Mt Emma and O'Leary Sites Other
Narrowband/Digital Radio System Conversion Photos of Desert View Ranger Station and GC Village EMS Sites Other
Bright Angel Creek Trout Reduction Project Press Release Nov. 13, 2006 FONSI Signed Other
Mule Operations and Stock Use Public Scoping Summary Implementation Plan - Other
Comprehensive Fisheries Management Plan GRCA Comprehensive Fisheries Management Plan FONSI Resource Management Plan
Proposed Fee Increases at Grand Canyon National Park Poster 1 - Background Information on the Proposed Entrance Fee Increase at Grand Canyon NP Fee Collection
Desert View Inter-tribal Cultural Heritage Site Plan / Environmental Assessment Background Information Development Concept Plan/Site Plan
Telecommunications Plan for Grand Canyon National Park Consultation under the National Historic Preservation Act Other Plan
Day-use Reservation System Pilot and Proposed Reservation Ticket Fee at Tuweep Categorical Exclusion Document Special Use Permit
Narrowband/Digital Radio System Conversion Photos of Hopi Pt and Kanabownits Sites Other
Narrowband/Digital Radio System Conversion Photos of CC Hill Site and Desert View Watchtower Other
Bright Angel Trailhead Area Design Plan Signed FONSI 11.24.08 Other
South Rim Visitor Transportation Plan Signed FONSI 5.27.08 Transportation Plan
Exotic Plant Management Plan FONSI for Exotic Plant Management Plan Resource Management Plan
Proposed Fee Increases at Grand Canyon National Park Poster 3 - Your Fees at Work - Mather Point and Visitor Services Improvement Project Fee Collection
Backcountry Management Plan Public Meeting Presentations and Posters Backcountry Management Plan
Backcountry Management Plan Commercial Use Information Backcountry Management Plan
Narrowband/Digital Radio System Conversion Photos of Potential Tower Examples Other
Greenway V from Pipe Creek Vista to South Kaibab Trailhead Greenway V FONSI Other
Fire Management Plan Federal Register Notice for the FMP ROD Fire Management Plan
Special Flight Rules Area in the Vicinity of Grand Canyon National Park Draft EIS Newsletter Implementation Plan - Other
Special Flight Rules Area in the Vicinity of Grand Canyon National Park Press Release-Open House public meeting dates and locations Implementation Plan - Other
Backcountry Management Plan Newsletter Summer 2012 Backcountry Management Plan
Backcountry Management Plan River Assisted Backcountry Travel Maps Backcountry Management Plan
Maswik South Rebuild EA Maswik South Rebuild FONSI Signed February 14, 2019 Capital Improvement/New Construction
Proposed Fee Increases at Grand Canyon National Park Poster 4 - Your Fees at Work - Transit System Improvements Fee Collection
Backcountry Management Plan Backcountry Use Density Maps Backcountry Management Plan
Desert View Inter-tribal Cultural Heritage Site Plan / Environmental Assessment Decision: Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) Development Concept Plan/Site Plan
Day-use Reservation System Pilot and Proposed Reservation Ticket Fee at Tuweep Tuweep Day-use Reservation System Pilot Response to Civic Engagement Special Use Permit
Narrowband/Digital Radio System Conversion Press Release Announcing Public Scoping Period Other
Narrowband/Digital Radio System Conversion Photos of Paria and VT Ridge Sites Other
Greenway V from Pipe Creek Vista to South Kaibab Trailhead Press Release - Greenway V FONSI signed Other
Fire Management Plan Fire Management Plan FEIS/AEF Fire Management Plan
Special Flight Rules Area in the Vicinity of Grand Canyon National Park DEIS SFRA Maps for Alternatives in Higher Resolution Implementation Plan - Other
Fire Management Plan Fire Management Plan - March 2012 Fire Management Plan
Backcountry Management Plan Public Scoping Comment Summary Backcountry Management Plan
Bright Angel Creek Trout Reduction Project Superintendent's Letter 08-31-06 Other
South Rim Visitor Transportation Plan Supporting Documents for Newsletter #1 Transportation Plan
Train Operations at Grand Canyon Finding of No Significant Impact for Train Operations Commercial Services Plan
Supai Camp Improvements Finding of No Significant Impact - Supai Camp Implementation Plan - Other
Mule Operations and Stock Use Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) Implementation Plan - Other
Long-term Experimental and Management Plan (LTEMP) for the Operation of Glen Canyon Dam Notice of Availability and Notice of Public Meetings for the Draft EIS Other
Hermit Road Rehabilitation Hermit Road EA news release Repair/Rehabilitation
* Open for comment.