Replace MD355 Bridge over CSXT Railroad

Monocacy National Battlefield » Replace MD355 Bridge over CSXT Railroad » Document List

In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the National Park Service (NPS), acting as a co-lead agency in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA), prepared an Environmental Assesment (EA) to evaluate a range of alternatives for a proposed bridge replacement project on Maryland Route 355 over the CSX Transportation rail line.

The purpose of the project is to replace Bridge No. 1008400 carrying MD 355 (Urbana Pike) over the CSXT railroad, approximately two miles south of the City of Frederick. The bridge replacement is intended to enhance the safety of the traveling public, and would be developed in a manner that would:

• Improve visitor access to Monocacy National Battlefield;
• Be sensitive to the historic landscape of Monocacy National Battlefield; and
• Allow for the continued enjoyment of the Battlefield's historic, cultural, and natural environment.

The project is needed because the bridge is structurally deficient. The existing bridge was constructed in 1930 and is showing signs of advanced deterioration. Recent inspections show that the bridge is in need of replacement. The replacement of the bridge has been designated a Priority 1 project by the SHA

Contact Information

Andrew Banasik - 4632 Araby Church Rd Frederick, MD 21704