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Everglades National Park » Everglades National Park GMP/East Everglades Wilderness Study
Select a document to review or comment:

Record of Decision for the General Management Plan/East Everglades Wilderness Study/Environmental Impact Statement (October 2015)

Record of Decision Maps (October 2015)

Final General Management Plan / East Everglades Wilderness Study / Environmental Impact Statement (August 2015)

National Marine Fisheries Service - EVER GMP Programmatic Biological Opinion (March 2015)

Draft GMP/East Everglades Wilderness Study/EIS (February 2013)

Florida Bay Seagrass and Propeller Scarring Report (2008)

Everglades National Park - Boat Use Study (2008)

East Everglades Airboat Trails Study (2006)

EVER GMP - Newsletter 5 - March 2009

EVER GMP - Newsletter 5 - Public Comment Summary

EVER - Newsletter 4 (May 2007) and Supplement (June 2007)

EVER GMP - Newsletter 3 - July 2006

EVER GMP - Newsletters 1 and 2 - 2003