DRAFT Amache Foundation Document

A foundation document briefly describes a national park unit and identifies its core purpose and significance, its most important resources and values, and the key interpretive themes or concepts that tell its unique story.

Attached is a Public Review DRAFT of the Amache NHS Foundation Document. It includes content prepared by National Park Service planners, managers, interpreters, and historians and was developed with the direct assistance of Amache subject matter experts, survivors, and descendants.

Also attached is a newsletter that includes dates and locations of public meetings where you can meet with the NPS planning team and share your ideas in person.

The National Park Service encourages anyone with an interest in, or connection to, Amache to participate in the development of the foundation document, and welcomes your recommendations for improvements, corrections, or adjustments to the draft content presented here. Please consider providing us feedback by responding to the questions presented below.

Thank you!
Comment Period: Closed        Mar 28, 2023 - Jun 23, 2023
Topic Questions:
1. What should people know about the history of Amache National Historic Site? What are its most important stories?
2. What are the core resources at Amache National Historic Site that should be protected and shared with visitors?
3. What are the biggest challenges facing Amache National Historic Site and its management?
4. What are the biggest opportunities for Amache National Historic Site when considering its new status as a unit of the national park system?
5. If reviewing the DRAFT document - Did the planning team miss anything about Amache's history, description, purpose, significance, key resources and values, or its potential for public interpretation as presented in this document?
Document Content:
Amache_FD Flier_508.pdf   (364.2 KB, PDF file)
AMCH_FD_Public_Review_DRAFT_508.pdf   (6.8 MB, PDF file)
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