Initial Bison Herd Reduction FONSI signed 09-01-17

On September 1, 2017, National Park Service (NPS) Intermountain Regional Director Sue Masica signed a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the Initial Bison Herd Reduction Environmental Assessment (EA) which evaluated management actions to quickly reduce the bison population and protect park resources and values on Grand Canyon's North Rim from the impacts of a steadily growing bison population. The EA was prepared in collaboration with cooperating agencies including the Arizona Game and Fish Department, the U.S. Forest Service, the Bureau of Land Management, and the InterTribal Buffalo Council.

Under the selected action, the NPS will work together with these cooperating agencies and other partners to reduce the bison herd to fewer than 200 animals using lethal culling with skilled volunteers and non-lethal capture and translocation to cooperating agencies and tribes. The NPS and its partner organizations are developing a structure to implement these actions and will announce opportunities and a process for tribal members and members of the public to participate in culling activities at a future time.
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