Proposed Fee Increase at Glen Canyon National Recreation Area

Glen Canyon National Recreation Area is proposing an increase to entrance, camping, and boat use fees in accordance with direction from the National Park Service authorizing all park units to conduct stakeholder outreach through civic engagement to gauge support for possible fee changes.

Recreation fees were first collected in 1998 and the last increase occurred in 2006. If approved, the changes would begin in May 2015 to align with the new National Park standard entrance-fee schedule.

A news release containing specific information regarding the proposed fee changes at Glen Canyon National Recreation Area is provided below. The public is encouraged to submit comments in writing between December 19, 2014 and January 31, 2015.

The NPS hosted an open house to provide information about the proposed fee changes and accept comments on January 14, 2015 from 4:00-7:00 p.m. at Glen Canyon National Recreation Area Headquarters, 691 Scenic View Road in Page, AZ.

Copies of the posters from the Open House are provided below.
Comment Period: Closed        Dec 19, 2014 - Jan 31, 2015
Document Content:
Proposed Fee Chart.pdf   (673.1 KB, PDF file)
Fee Free Days.pdf   (685.0 KB, PDF file)
Fee Proposal News Release.pdf   (29.7 KB, PDF file)
Why are fees charged at Glen Canyon.pdf   (937.4 KB, PDF file)
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