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Federal Agencies - other than NPS » DWH NRDA Restoration - Louisiana TIG Draft Supplemental Restoration Plan/Environmental Assessment for the Cypremort Point State Park Improvements Project Modifications » Document List » Document Contents
Louisiana TIG Draft Supplemental Restoration Plan/Environmental Assessment for the Cypremort Point State Park Project Modifications
The original scope of the Cypremort Improvements project was approved in the LA TIG Restoration Plan/Environmental Assessment #4. The project included a variety of park enhancements including beach restoration, marsh boardwalk and trail construction, road and jetty repairs, and replacement of the breakwater system that helps protect the park's recreational beach. Following completion of the restoration plan, the Louisiana Office of State Parks was successful in securing other non-NRDA funding to construct the breakwater system that was originally proposed as a component of the Cypremort Improvements project.
Consistent with the PDARP/PEIS, the Louisiana Trustee Implementation Group has prepared the LA TIG Draft Supplemental Restoration Plan/EA for Cypremort Point State Park Improvement Project Modifications. The modifications considered in this Supplemental Restoration Plan/Environmental Assessment include replacing the original proposed breakwater system project feature with construction of a recreational vehicle campground, associated infrastructure, and amenities at the park, consistent with the purpose and need of the original project.. The Louisiana TIG prepared the Supplemental RP/EA to inform the public about potential modifications to the Cypremort Improvements project and to seek public comment.
Comment Period:
Apr 20, 2020 - May 20, 2020
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CPRA Cypremort Point Draft SuppRPEA_508.pdf
(4.1 MB, PDF file)
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