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Public Comment - Pike National Historic Trail Feasibility Study
The National Park Service is conducting the Pike National Historic Trail (NHT) Feasibility Study to evaluate its eligibility and suitability for inclusion as a national historic trail. The proposed Pike NHT represents the route taken by Lieutenant Zebulon Pike during his 1806-1807 expedition into the southern portion of the Louisiana Purchase and the northern provinces of Mexico. The route begins in Fort Bellefontaine, Missouri and ends in Natchitoches, Louisiana. It spans approximately 2,700 miles, intersecting the states of Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Texas, and Louisiana, with an additional 1,000 miles of trail passing through three states in Mexico.
You can learn more about Pike's 1806-1807 expedition by watching a short video introducing the Pike NHT Feasibility Study (
The Pike NHT Feasibility Study applies congressionally-established criteria in order to evaluate the national historical significance of the route, as well as the feasibility, suitability, and desirability of designating the route as a national historic trail. Findings of the trail study are presented to Congress who has the sole authority to enact legislation to designate new national historic trails.
Public involvement is a key aspect of the Pike NHT Feasibility Study, and the study team welcomes your thoughts, ideas and feedback. Engagement is welcome and encouraged from any member of the public. The public comment period runs through June 30th, 2021.
There are several ways to submit your comments:
1. Here, by submitting your comments online (click 'Comment Now' below)
Nota: Aquí puede leer las preguntas de estudio en Español
2. By emailing the study team directly at:
3. By mailing written comments to the following address:
Attn: Lillis A. Urban, Ph.D.
Chief of Planning
National Trails Office
National Park Service
PO Box 728
Santa Fe, NM, 87504
In your comments, we are particularly interested to hear your responses to one or more of the following questions listed below.
Your input is important to us. We welcome all feedback on the potential designation of the Pike National Historic Trail.
Thank you for your interest and participation in this important study!
Comment Period:
Apr 1, 2021 - Jun 30, 2021
Topic Questions: |
1. Are there sites, segments, or areas on or adjacent to the route that are, or could be, visited by the public for recreational opportunities or historic appreciation (e.g. historic sites, educational exhibits, museums, hiking or outdoor access)? If so, please tell us about them. SPANISH TRANSLATION: ¿Hay sitios, segmentos o áreas en o adyacentes a la ruta que son, o podrían ser, visitados por el público para oportunidades recreativas o apreciación histórica. Si es así, por favor cuéyos sobre ellos. |
2. Does the study route accurately identify Pike's 1806-1807 route? If not, where does it differ? Is there anything else you want the National Park Service to know about this route and its associated sites? SPANISH TRANSLATION: ¿La ruta de estudio es identifica con precisión de la 1806-1807 ruta de Pike? Si no es así, ¿dónde difiere? ¿Hay algo más que quiera que el Servicio de Parques Nacionales sepa sobre esta ruta y sus sitios asociados? |
3. How might designation of this route as a National Historic Trail affect you and your community? Do you have concerns? What benefits do you see? SPANISH TRANSLATION: ¿Cómo podría afectarle a usted y a su comunidad la designación de esta ruta como Sendero Histórico Nacional? ¿Tiene preocupaciones? ¿Qué beneficios ves? |
4. Would you like to see Pike's 1806-1807 expedition designated as a National Historic Trail? Why or why not? SPANISH TRANSLATION: ¿Le gustaría ver la expedición 1806-1807 de Pike designada como un Sendero Histórico Nacional? ¿Por qué o por qué no? |
5. Do you think this route is important in America's history? Why or why not? SPANISH TRANSLATION: ¿Crees que esta ruta es importante en la historia de los Estados Unidos? ¿Por qué o por qué no? |
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