Comment on the Franklin Park Vision and Transformation Plan

We encourage you to participate in the planning process. Please join us for a public presentation and open house that will include a visioning and programming workshop to solicit your input. The meeting will be held on November 7, 2013, from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM at the Four Points by Sheraton at 1201 K Street, NW, Washington, D.C. At the meeting, the project team will be available to discuss the purpose and need, site characteristics, and other project information.

The NPS is inviting public comments during the public scoping period through November 22, 2013. During this scoping period, the public is invited to identify any ideas for the revitalization, and issues or concerns you may have with the proposed project so that the NPS can appropriately consider them in the preparation of the EA. To submit a comment, click on "Comment on Document." .
Comment Period: Closed        Sep 6, 2013 - Nov 22, 2013
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