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Draft Environmental Impact Statement - Acquisition of Florida Power & Light Company Land in the East Everglades Expansion Area
The National Park Service completed a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for acquiring land owned by the Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) in the East Everglades Expansion Area (EEEA) within the boundary of Everglades National Park, or sufficient interest in this property, to facilitate restoration efforts within the park. This action is needed to support the mission of the NPS and the park, because the EEEA, which includes the existing FPL parcel, is vital to long-term protection of the park for ecosystem restoration purposes and is needed to support the goals of restoring the Northeast Shark River Slough.
The EIS addresses both the potential impacts from the acquisition of FPL land in the park as well as the indirect impacts that could result from construction and operation of transmission lines that could be built either inside or outside the park as a result of the alternative selected. Each alternative analyzes a possible scenario for transmission line construction, but the NPS does not have responsibility to choose or authorize where FPL builds transmission lines.
Please provide us your comments on the proposed Acquisition of Florida Power and Light Company Land in the East Everglades Expansion Area / Environmental Impact Statement.
1. Do you have any comments or concerns about the NPS alternatives (Chapter 2) for acquiring sufficient interest (fee title or flowage easement) in the FPL property?
2. Do you have any comments or concerns regarding the terms and conditions (Appendixes G and H) the Secretary of the Interior might require for the potential land exchange (Alternatives 3 and 4) to help protect park resources and values?
3. Do you have any comments or concerns regarding the potential environmental impacts of the land acquisition alternatives? Impacts are described in Chapter 4.
4. Which alternative do you recommend the NPS select as the preferred alternative for implementation? Please tell us why.
Comment Period:
Jan 17, 2014 - Mar 18, 2014
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