Draft Flamingo Commercial Services Plan / Environmental Assessment (November 2007)

Chapter 1 - Purpose and Need for Action
Chapter 2 - Alternatives
Chapter 3 - Affected Environment and Environmental Consequences
Chapter 4-7 - Consultation & Coordination, References, Glossary, Acronyms & Abbreviations
Draft CSP/EA Appendices A-E
Draft CSP/EA Summary & Table of Contents
List of South Florida libraries that have paper copies of the Flamingo CSP/EA for review.
Comment Period: Closed        Nov 17, 2007 - Jan 25, 2008
Document Content:
Appendix B - Consultation Letters   (1.9 MB, PDF file)
Appendix C - Statement of Findings   (1.5 MB, PDF file)
Chapter 6 - Glossary   (1.5 MB, PDF file)
Chapter 2 - Alternatives   (3.8 MB, PDF file)
Chapter 5: References   (1.5 MB, PDF file)
Libraries South Florida   (21.0 KB, Excel file)
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