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Multi-use Visitor Path Environmental Assessment
The National Park Service, Department of the Interior, and the United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service announce the availability of the draft Environmental Assessment for the Multi-use Visitor Path. The primary purpose of the proposed project is to relieve safety issues for all visitors who choose to use nonmotorized transportation—such as walking, jogging, cycling, and cross-country skiing—to experience the park and adjacent United States Forest Service areas near Bryce Canyon City.
The Environmental Assessment evaluates a no action alternative and two action alternatives, including the preferred alternative. The proposed project would begin at the shuttle bus staging area in Bryce Canyon City and continue through Dixie National Forest to key developed visitor use areas in the park. No portion of the proposed path would be constructed below the canyon rim on city, forest, or park lands, nor in proposed wilderness areas inside the park.
The USFS Objection Process:
The Powell Ranger District of the Dixie National Forest is cooperating with the NPS in conducting the environmental analysis of the Multi-use Visitor Path project. The NPS is the lead agency, therefore the project is being conducted in accordance with NPS procedures. The proposed path crosses some lands administered by NPS and other lands administered by the USFS and each agency will issue an independent decision regarding their respective lands. Given that there will be separate decisions, and that the two agencies have different decision processes, it follows that there must also be separate avenues for the public to seek redress. For National Forest System lands, the public has the right to object to a decision. Individuals and organizations wishing to be eligible to object to USFS decisions must meet the information requirements of 36 CFR 218 Subparts A and B. Specifically, an individual or organization wishing to establish USFS objection eligibility must provide substantive comments concerning the portion of the proposed project that crosses National Forest System lands, and to do so by the closing date of the comment period. Only those who submit timely and specific written comments during the public comment period established by the responsible officials are eligible to file an objection under §218 and be involved in the formal USFS issue resolution process.
One comment period is being conducted for both NPS- and USFS-managed lands. Interested parties need only submit one written comment that can relate to only forest lands, only park lands, or both. The USFS responsible official will consider the comments and determine whether they are relevant to National Forest System lands and are eligible for the USFS's objection process.
Comment Period:
Sep 29, 2014 - Nov 16, 2014
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Document Content: |
EA_BRCA_Visitor Path_508compliant.pdf
(9.1 MB, PDF file)
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