Scoping letter with draft purpose, need and objectives attachment

This document provides general information regarding the public scoping period, including the ways in which you can submit comments. As you review the draft purpose, need and objectives for the Ranch CMP on pages 3 and 4, please consider the following questions:
• What do you think the NPS should be considering as it develops this Ranch CMP?
• What are the most important issues regarding the lands under agricultural lease/permits that you believe need to be addressed in this plan?
• What are reasonably foreseeable future ranching activities that should be considered and reviewed as part of this plan?
• What are reasonably foreseeable actions related to the management oftule elk affecting park ranch operations that should be considered as part of this plan?
• What are potential park actions related to the management of cultural and natural resources on ranch lands that should be considered as part of this plan?
• What do you, as a member of the public, need from NPS to be meaningfully engaged in the planning process?
Comment Period: Closed        Apr 21, 2014 - Jun 2, 2014
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