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The Final Disposition of the Enchanted Valley Chalet/Environmental Assessment
This environmental assessment examines the environmental impacts associated with the proposal to determine the final disposition of the Enchanted Valley Chalet. This environmental assessment was prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969, regulations of the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) (40 CFR §1508.9), and the National Park Service Director's Order-12 (DO-12) (Conservation Planning, Environmental Impact Analysis, and Decision-Making) (2015).
NEPA requires federal agencies to fully consider the impacts of proposals that would affect the human environment prior to deciding to take action. NEPA also requires federal agencies to involve the interested and affected public in the decision-making process.
An interdisciplinary team comprised of park and National Park Service (NPS) Pacific West Regional Office (PWRO) staff, including a landscape architect, geologist, hydrologist, wilderness specialist, environmental protection specialists, and facilities maintenance and natural and cultural resources professionals determined the need for the project and identified the likely beneficial and adverse effects of the proposed actions compared to existing conditions as documented herein. Based on this information, the NPS has prepared this environmental assessment (EA).
The park's need in taking action is to determine the final disposition of the Enchanted Valley Chalet.
This Environmental Assessment (EA), which evaluates impacts of the proposed project on cultural and natural resources, wilderness character, and visitor use and experience, will be used to help the Regional Director, NPS, Interior Regions 8, 9, 10, and 12, based on a recommendation from the Superintendent of Olympic National Park, make a decision about the final disposition of the Enchanted Valley Chalet. The decision would be documented in the proposed Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for this EA. Should the EA reveal significant impacts on park resources from the project, an Environmental Impact Statement and Record of Decision would be prepared.
To review and comment on the EA, click the "Open for Comment" button on the left of your screen and follow the prompts. Please provide your substantive comments in the space provided. Substantive comments are those that 1) question, with reasonable basis, the accuracy of the information in the NEPA document; 2) question, with reasonable basis, the adequacy of the environmental analysis; 3) present reasonable alternatives other than those presented in the NEPA document (please be sure to read through all the alternatives, including those "considered but dismissed" prior to commenting), or; 4) cause changes or revisions in the proposal. Please provide rational explanations. The comment process is not a voting process - we're not looking for which alternative gets the greatest number of votes, we're looking for substantive comments only.
Comment Period:
Jul 2, 2020 - Aug 31, 2020
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Document Content: |
EVC/EA Virtual Public Meeting Presentation.pdf
(4.0 MB, PDF file)
Final Disposition of the Enchanted Valley Chalet/EA-Newsletter.pdf
(279.8 KB, PDF file)
Site Flood Hazards Survey Report 2018.pdf
(5.6 MB, PDF file)
EVC/EA Recording of Virtual Public Meeting - Start at 3:40 in.mp4
(53.2 MB, .mp4 file)
Lead-based Paint Test Results 2019.pdf
(2.2 MB, PDF file)
Final Disposition of the Enchanted Valley Chalet/EA-Appendices.pdf
(1.4 MB, PDF file)
Final Disposition of the Enchanted Valley Chalet/EA.pdf
(1.8 MB, PDF file)
Public Review Comment Form (optional for mailing comments).pdf
(197.2 KB, PDF file)
Enchanted Valley Chalet - FAQs.pdf
(112.1 KB, PDF file)
Cuprinol Test Results 2014.pdf
(96.5 KB, PDF file)
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