Preliminary Draft Alternatives - ONP Wilderness Stewardship Plan

The interdisciplinary planning team has reviewed and considered the public comments received during scoping, collected and analyzed additional data about wilderness resources, and completed a visitor use study. This information was used to develop alternative concepts for managing the Olympic Wilderness.

As part of this process, 6 management zones were also defined, which generally identify how different areas could be managed to achieve resource preservation, provide for recreational use, and serve operational purposes. These management zones were then applied to the wilderness area for each alternative management concept.

We have 4 preliminary draft alternatives for you to consider. The no action alternative (Alternative A), is defined as the continuation of existing management practices. This alternative is required by law to be considered during the planning process. It sets a baseline of existing impacts continued into the future against which to compare impacts of the other alternatives.

There are also 3 action alternatives identified as Alternatives B, C, and D. The action alternatives must all be consistent with the various laws, regulations, and policies that guide management of the park. In addition, all of the alternatives would protect the qualities of wilderness character as required by the Wilderness Act of 1964.

These alternative concepts, draft management zones, and specific topics are described further here and we are seeking your review and comment. Following the public comment period, the planning team will refine the alternative concepts and management zones, and conduct a thorough analysis of the impacts each alternative would have on wilderness character, natural resources, cultural resources, visitor use and experience, and park operations. The refined draft alternatives will be presented for public comment as part of the draft WSP/EIS which is scheduled for release in 2015. A preferred alternative will be presented at that time.
Comment Period: Closed        Mar 12, 2014 - May 17, 2014
Topic Questions Instructions:
Please be specific and provide as much detail as necessary in your response.
Topic Questions:
1. Is this a sufficient range of alternatives? If not, please provide further suggestion(s).
2. What do you like about the alternatives?
3. Are there specific elements you feel should be changed? If yes, how would you change them?
Document Content:
ONP_WSP_Wilderness_Zones_Alt_B.jpg   (1.3 MB, Image file)
ONP_WSP_Draft_Zones_FULL_TABLE.pdf   (244.7 KB, PDF file)
ONP_WSP_Wilderness_Zones_Alt_C.jpg   (1.3 MB, Image file)
Poster_-_Zone_Comparison_(1).pdf   (774.1 KB, PDF file)
ONP_WSP_Wilderness_Zones_Alt_D.jpg   (1.3 MB, Image file)
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