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Miners Falls Viewing Platform and Steps Replacement Environmental Assessment
This Environmental Assessment (EA) has been prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA); Council on Environmental Quality implementing regulations effective April 20, 2022, [40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 1500-1508]; NPS Director's Order 12: Conservation Planning, Environmental Impact Analysis, and Decision Making (NPS 2011), and the NPS NEPA Handbook (NPS 2015). Compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (NHPA), as amended (54 United States Code [USC] 306108), and Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) is being conducted concurrently with the NEPA process.
This EA provides a decision-making framework that: 1) Assesses a reasonable range of alternatives to meet the purpose of the proposed action; 2) Evaluates potential issues and impacts to the natural and cultural resources of the park; and 3) Identifies required mitigation measures to lessen the degree or extent of any potential adverse environmental impacts.
The EA evaluates three alternatives; No-Action Alternative: No Improvements, Alternative 1: Extend Steps and Construct Rustic Trail to Bottom of Ravine (Preferred Alternative), and Alternative 2: Extend Steps to Bottom of Ravine. Under the No-Action Alternative, no improvements would be made to the Miners Falls overlooks and staircase. Under Alternative 1 (Preferred Alternative), the existing infrastructure (upper and lower platforms and staircase) would be replaced, and a new rustic-style trail would be constructed, extending from the new lower viewing platform to the bottom of the ravine (valley floor). Under Alternative 2, the existing infrastructure would be replaced (upper and lower platforms and staircase), and a new staircase would be constructed, extending from the new lower viewing platform to the bottom of the ravine (valley floor). The alternatives are described in detail in Chapter 2.
This EA identifies the categories of the resources, or Impact Topics, found within the project area that are most likely to be affected by the actions described in each alternative. These topics have undergone a detailed analysis to determine the most likely effects on the resources, and the mitigation required to avoid or lessen resource damage. A description of the existing conditions and potential impacts for each Impact Topic are presented in Chapter 3. Alternative 1 (Preferred Alternative) would result in no significant impacts to resources of the park.
Comment Period:
Jul 11, 2024 - Aug 9, 2024
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Document Content: |
Miners Falls Stairs and Platforms_FINAL EA.pdf
(17.4 MB, PDF file)
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