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Finding of No Significant Impact for the Replace the Existing Wharf Bulkhead at Christiansted National Historic Site
The National Park Service (NPS) has completed the Replace the Existing Wharf Bulkhead at Christiansted National Historic Site (NHS), Environmental Assessment (EA) with the signing of the Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) by the NPS Southeast Regional Director on September 25, 2019. The FONSI and the environmental assessment describe the final decision of the NPS for the EA.
This project will protect the cultural landscape at Christiansted National Historic Site from more frequent and more powerful seasonal hurricanes. The selected alternative will have a life cycle of approximately 40 years and allow the bulkhead to handle overtopping and sustain storm washover during future storm events. The selected action will provide the NPS with the opportunity to restore and enhance visitor access to the waterfront from the water and the land and provides an overall benefit of preserving the waterfront landscape, associated historic structures, visitor use, and marine vessel operations.
The environmental assessment examined two alternatives in detail, addressed the environmental impacts of each alternative, and identified a preferred alternative. The FONSI explains why the Selected Alternative (Proposed Action) will have no significant effects on the human environment. It is based on the EA and the comments received from the public, interested parties, agencies, and staff during the public review period, which concluded June 30, 2019. The FONSI summarizes the public comments received, lists the responses to those comments, and identifies the changes to the text in the EA as a result of the public and agency comments.
Together the FONSI, the EA and the errata represent the National Park Service's approved action to Replace the Existing Wharf Bulkhead at Christiansted National Historic Site by replacing the wharf bulkhead and to preserve and protect the site's properties and cultural resources.
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CHRI - Wharf Bulkhead - FONSI - 9-25-19 - 508Comp.pdf
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