Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the Replace American Camp Temporary Visitor Center Environmental Assessment (EA)

The Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) authorizes implementation of Alternative 2, which includes the replacement of the 39 year-old "temporary" visitor center with a new facility, the relocation of the visitor center entrance road, and expansion of park operational facilities, including administrative campsites and a maintenance storage area.

Implementation of the selected action will begin in the fall of 2019 with replacement of the visitor center and road realignment. Construction is anticipated to take one year. The outdoor gathering space, forest picnic trail, and reconfiguration of the administrative area and campsites are not currently funded, but will be implemented as funding becomes available.

The FONSI was signed by Pacific West Regional Director, Stan Austin, on February 19, 2019. Attachments to the FONSI include the Errata, Public Comment Summary and Responses to Substantive Comments, a final Wetland Statement of Findings, and a Non-Impairment Determination. For a printed copy of the FONSI, please contact San Juan Island National Historical Park at (360) 378-2240 ext. 2229.

Document Content:
sajh_fonsi_signed_2_19_2019.pdf   (995.7 KB, PDF file)
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