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Shorebird Management Plan Finding of No Significant Impact & Attachments
The National Park Service Northeast Regional Director signed the Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) on January 30, 2019; the plan is ready for implementation. The FONSI selects Alternative B: Increased Protection and Flexible Management, Plus Additional Management of Predator Impacts. With the new Shorebird Management Plan the national seashore will manage shorebirds to meet species recovery goals. This will be accomplished through a combination of flexible management at high visitation areas to maintain visitor access away from nests, increased visitor restrictions at certain places and times, and increased survival of chicks by non-lethal management of common nest predators.
The FONSI and the following 508 compliant attachments are posted.
Attachment A - Comment Analysis Report
Attachment B - Revised Shorebird Management Plan Environmental Assessment - Revised September 2018
Attachment C - Nonimpairment Determination
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