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NPS Seeks Public Comments on the Replacement of the Existing Wharf Bulkhead along Christiansted National Historic Site Waterfront
The National Park Service (NPS) is proposing to repair the bulkhead along Christiansted National Historic Site waterfront in order to protect the landscape and associated historic buildings at Christiansted National Historic Site (Christiansted NHS), St. Croix U.S. Virgin Islands.
The proposed project would replace the 700 linear-foot steel sheet pile and concrete bulkhead and would repair the associated concrete sidewalk apron. The design concept will make the smallest possible imprint on the historic maritime landscape. The new bulkhead would be located approximately 1-foot seaward of the existing structure and would include a fendering system and docking cleats. The bulkhead would consist primarily of new steel sheet piles (SSP) driven to an appropriate depth into the bedrock and would be covered by a cast-in-place concrete cap/fascia that extends beneath the waterline. The project will stabilize the historic waterfront, protect the park's historic maritime landscape and associated historic buildings from the imminent threat of failure of the bulkhead and associated landward migration of the shoreline due to erosion, and restore wharf access and function for appropriate land and maritime operations.
The NPS encourages your participation throughout the planning process from October 24th to November 24th, 2018. NPS is requesting public involvement from interested agencies, groups, and individuals. During this time, the public and agencies are invited to identify any issues or concerns they might have with the proposed concept design. Comments related to historic properties will also be gathered for the purposes of compliance with Section 106 of the NHPA.
The National Park Service will be hosting an open-house style public meeting to discuss this project. This meeting will take place on November 7, 2018 from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm at the park's Headquarters, Guinea Company Warehouse, Old Post Office Building at 2100 Church Street #100, Christiansted, U.S. Virgin Islands, 00820.
You can submit your comments and find more information about the project at the park's PEPC website at
NPS will accept comments at the open house, and via email or mail to:, or
NPS, Christiansted National Historic Site,
2100 Church Street #100, Christiansted,
U. S. Virgin Islands 00820,
Attn: Repair Christiansted National Historic Site Wharf Bulkhead Repair Project.
The opportunity to provide public comment to support the development of this project will close November 24, 2018.
Please be aware that your entire comment will become part of the public record. If you wish to remain anonymous, please clearly state that within your correspondence or minimize identifying information; however, NPS cannot guarantee that personal information (i.e. email address, phone number) will be withheld.
Comment Period:
Oct 24, 2018 - Nov 24, 2018
Document Content: |
CHRI Wharf Bulkhead - Fig 2 Proposed Design Concept.pdf
(293.3 KB, PDF file)
CHRI Wharf Bulkhead - Fig 1 Proposed Project Area.pdf
(730.1 KB, PDF file)
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