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Improvements to Support NCDOT Passenger Ferry FONSI
Superintendent David Hallac is pleased to announce that Southeast Regional Director Stan Austin signed a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the improvements to support a North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Hatteras-Ocracoke Passenger Ferry Environmental Assessment (EA) on July 10, 2017.
NCDOT has requested a special use permit (SUP) from the NPS to construct several facilities within the boundaries of Cape Hatteras National Seashore (Seashore) to support the operation of a new passenger ferry system. NCDOT has been a partner with the NPS in providing transportation services and facilities for park visitors and the communities on both Hatteras and Ocracoke Islands for several decades. The Hatteras-Ocracoke Passenger Ferry project will help provide another option for transportation service to the Seashore and may alleviate some of the vehicle congestion and wait time experienced during the peak tourist season from May through September. The SUP will authorize NCDOT to construct several improvements and for long-term maintenance of the passenger ferry system within Seashore boundaries.
The following improvements are proposed within the Seashore:
•Existing Hatteras ferry terminal space will be converted into two additional parking lots to accommodate passenger vehicles and NCDOT ferry division employees (approximately 0.2 & 0.4 acres in size to create 65 additional parking spaces)
•A new open air passenger waiting facility (~1500 sq.ft.) will be constructed in front of the Ocracoke visitor center to shelter passenger ferry users from the sun and rain
•Sidewalk improvements to connect the passenger waiting area to the Ocracoke visitor center and ferry dock will be constructed to create safe passage ways for travelers
•A transit pullout area in front of the Ocracoke visitor center will be constructed to allow for safe pick-up and drop-off of passenger ferry users
•Three new restroom (one male, one female and one family/gender neutral) facilities will be constructed behind the Ocracoke visitor center on the existing permit trailer foundation to augment the NPS's existing restroom facilities .
•Relocation of the existing boardwalk/ramp at the visitor center to the right side of the deck area.
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CAHA NCDOT Passenger Ferry_FONSI_Final Version.pdf
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