Accessibility Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan (SETP)

The SETP will guide changes to the way existing services, activities, and programs are provided at federal facilities in Redwood National Park. The plan defines what barriers limit accessibility in multiple locations throughout the park and provides recommendations on how we can modify or remove barriers to increase accessibility for all users. An interdisciplinary team including park and regional staff looked at key park experiences, prioritized the most important areas where these experiences are found, assessed the accessibility of each priority park area, and developed implementation strategies for improving the accessibility at each location. The powerpoint presentation was given at two public meetings on Sept 9 and Sept 10 and summarizes how the park prioritized locations where accessibility could be improved.
Comment Period: Closed        Aug 13, 2015 - Sep 30, 2015
Topic Questions Instructions:
You may comment by using the comment function on this website or you can mail comments to the address provided.
Topic Questions:
1. Please let us know how we can improve accessbility to Redwood National Park for all populations.
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