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Public Scoping Materials
This site includes the public scoping newsletter and other materials presented at the public scoping open houses, the online webinar, or otherwise made available to stakeholders. To be most helpful, the the NPS is seeking your comments on the following, as presented in the newsletter, by May 15, 2015:
-the purpose and need for action;
-environmental issues that should be addressed;
-potential management practices, tools, and alternatives for managing livestock grazing and trailing, including mitigation measures which could reduce potentially harmful effects;
-sources of data and/or methodologies that should be considered for analyzing potential environmental effects.
Comments which are not helpful include those which:
-Vote for or against a potential management practice, tool, or alternative without giving reasons why
-Agree or disagree with laws, regulation, or NPS policy
-Discuss other projects or other areas
-Contain vague, open-ended questions
Comment Period:
Mar 10, 2015 - May 15, 2015
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Document Content: |
2015_04_08 CARE LGTMP EIS Public Scoping Webinar Recording.mp4
(44.0 MB, .mp4 file)
2015 03 03 CARE LGTMP Public Scoping Newsletter.pdf
(2.6 MB, PDF file)
CARE LGTMP FAQs for Public Scoping.pdf
(104.1 KB, PDF file)
2015 03 23 CARE LGTMP-Public Scoping Meeting Posters.pdf
(8.9 MB, PDF file)
2015_04_08 CARE LGTMP EIS Public Scoping Webinar Slides.pdf
(856.6 KB, PDF file)
Disclaimer: Links within the above document(s) were valid as of the date published.
Note: Some of the files may be in PDF format and can be viewed using the Adobe Acrobat Reader software. You may download a free copy of from Adobe Systems. |