Proposed User Fee Increase For Trunk Bay Facilities and Boat Moorings Parkwide

The current park user fees for Trunk Bay facilities have been in place since June 1998. Current user fees at Trunk Bay are $4.00 for an Individual Day Pass, an Individual Annual Pass is $10 with the annual Family Pass priced at $15.00. Beginning in 1990 the park began installing mooring balls to better protect the marine environment. Thanks to the financial support of the Friends of Virgin Islands National Park, overnight mooring balls have now been installed in 13 locations throughout the park. Overnight moorings are $15 per night and that fee has not changed since its inception in 2000.

The Expanded Amenity Fee at Trunk Bay is not charged to persons under 16 years of age or holders of the America the Beautiful National Parks and Federal Recreational Senior, Access or Military Passes. These passes also may be obtained at the Park.
Comment Period: Closed        Jan 28, 2015 - Feb 17, 2015
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