Programmatic Agreement for S106

Bryce Canyon National Park is inviting the public to review and submit comments on a programmatic agreement (PA) between the park and the Utah State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) to avoid, mitigate, or minimize potential adverse effects to historic properties that may occur as a result of the implementation of the Multimodal Transportation Plan.

The PA describes how historic properties will be identified and how plans will be reviewed to determine if their implementation will negatively affect historic properties that are listed in or eligible for the National Register of Historic Places, a list of the most historically important buildings, districts, sites, and objects in the country. The PA also provides guidance on how the park will work with the State Historic Preservation Officer and affiliated tribes to lessen or avoid the potential impact when possible.

The National Park Service and State Historic Preservation Officer worked together to develop the PA, which is currently in draft form and available for 30-day review and comment on the NPS Planning Environment and Public Comment (PEPC) website through March 23, 2015. The draft PA can be accessed by going to scrolling down to the project website and clicking on the "Open for Comment" link. Comments may be entered directly through PEPC or sent to Bryce Canyon National Park, Multimodal Transportation Plan, P.O. Box 640201, Bryce, Utah 84764.

Respondents should include their name, address and email to be added to the mailing list for more information about this project. Remember that unless requested otherwise, a list of all those that comment during public review periods, including their addresses, will be available upon request.
Comment Period: Closed        Jan 25, 2015 - Mar 23, 2015
Document Content:
Hopi PA response 020215.pdf   (72.2 KB, PDF file)
PA signature page.pdf   (66.0 KB, PDF file)
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