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Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI)
In 2006, the National Park Service (NPS) completed an environmental assessment (EA) for the Kennecott Support Facilities (KSFP) Plan for the Kennecott Mines National Historic Landmark (NHL) of Wrangell-St. Elias National Preserve. The NHL preserves a diverse array of historic mining-era buildings and artifacts as well as the ongoing aspects of life in an Alaskan bush community. The purpose of the KSFP is to support park operations and improve visitor services within the planning area by siting facilities both inside the NHL and along the last section of McCarthy Road corridor. This would include providing an efficient, cost effective way to move supplies to the area for stabilization of historic structures, reliable transportation of visitors and park staff between the end of the McCarthy Road and the NHL, water and power utilities, facilities where visitors can obtain information and services, and NPS housing and administrative facilities. Some of these projects, such as water and power system implementation will still need additional site specific compliance and planning work, which would include public involvement prior to making final decisions.
This plan amends the 1986 WRST General Management Plan (GMP) and complements the 2000 Kennecott NHL Interim Operations Plan (IOP) and the 2001 Cultural Landscape Report (CLR) for Kennecott Mill Town and carries forward the management strategy proposed in these previous planning efforts.
The NPS has selected a slightly modified version of the Proposed Action Alternative: Implement Kennecott Support Facilities Plan (NPS Preferred Alternative) along with the mitigating measures.
Fifty parties provided comments during the EA public review period. Some commented through the public meeting and some through correspondence. More than half of the participants provided comments through both forums. A number of substantive comments were received, and the NPS response to these comments is provided in the attachment to this Finding of No Significant Impact. No changes were made to the EA, though sections of the plan were revised to provide clarification and better information on implementation times.
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