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Public Scoping: Marion Memorial-Site Selection
The Francis Marion Memorial Project proposes to establish a permanent memorial honoring Brigadier General Francis Marion and his service. The Francis Marion Memorial Project, in cooperation with the National Park Service (NPS), has identified Marion Park and other federal parcels along South Carolina Avenue SE for consideration as a memorial site. Marion Park is bound by 4th, 6th and E Streets SE. The site is administered by National Capital Parks - East, an administrative unit of the NPS. Other parcels along South Carolina Avenue SE are owned by the U.S. Government and under the jurisdiction of the District of Columbia. As part of this proposal, the Francis Marion Memorial Project would design and construct a memorial within the site selected. Once constructed, the NPS would hold administrative rights over the Memorial.
In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the NPS and the Francis Marion Memorial Project are preparing an Environmental Assessment (EA) to identify alternatives and assess the potential impacts of the proposal. Concurrent to the NEPA process, the NPS and the Francis Marion Memorial Project will conduct a consultation under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (NHPA).
As part of this planning effort, a public scoping meeting will be held by the NPS and the Francis Marion Memorial Project on Tuesday, October 28 between 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. at the Northeast Library, 330 7th St NE, Washington, DC.During this open house, the project team will be available to discuss possible locations for the Memorial. A second public meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 3rd between 6:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. at the Southeast Library, 403 7th St. SE, Washington, D.C.
The public is invited to comment on the proposed establishment of a memorial within Marion Park or another federal parcel along South Carolina Avenue SE, and to identify potential issues or concerns for consideration in the EA. During these meetings, comments may be submitted via written comment forms. In addition, you may submit comments electronically (the NPS preferred method of receiving comments), by fax 202.401.0017, or mail them directly. The NPS will accept comments on the proposed project through December 10, 2014.
Comment Period:
Oct 14, 2014 - Dec 10, 2014
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Document Content: |
Marion Memorial Scoping Announcement.pdf
(93.5 KB, PDF file)
Marion_Memorial_ Scoping Announcement_2nd_mtg_10_22_2014.pdf
(86.5 KB, PDF file)
Marion Memorial Proposed Sites.pdf
(1.1 MB, PDF file)
(2.8 MB, PDF file)
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