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Programmatic Agreement
This agreement document outlines the responsibilities of the States and Tribes receiving portions of the $45.7 million from the Emergency Supplemental Historic Preservation Fund appropriation. As per 36 CFR Part 800.2(d) and Director's Order 75A, individuals or governments interested in the effects of this undertaking upon historic resources, or items identified within this Programmatic Agreement, are invited to comment.
Subject to the provisions of the Programmatic Agreement, the document will remain in effect until Section 106 reviews for all undertakings related to the Disaster Declaration have been completed and all ESHPF grant funded projects (including sub-grants) have been completed. This PA will expire upon implementation of all activities assisted by ESHPF grants or at such time as the NPS notifies the other signatories in writing that the Grant Agreements have expired.
This PA will remain in effect until Section 106 reviews for all undertakings related to the Disaster Declaration have been completed and all ESHPF grant funded projects (including sub-grants) have been completed. This PA will expire upon implementation of all activities assisted by ESHPF grants or at such time as the NPS notifies the other signatories in writing that the Grant Agreements have expired. If any SHPO/THPO wishes to extend the PA the SHPO/THPO shall notify the NPS and the other signatories accordingly and initiate consultation for an amendment in accordance with Stipulation XII.
As no new projects are currently contemplated, NPS is in the process of closing this PA and notifying grantees.
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Sandy PA as of 12-17-14.pdf
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