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Bandelier National Monument Foundation Scoping

The National Park Service is preparing a foundation document to guide planning and management of Bandelier National Monument. The park would like to invite the public to join in this effort. A foundation document involves examining a national park unit's core purpose and significance, its most important resources and values, and the interpretive themes that tell the park's important stories.

The foundation document will affirm the underlying guidance for future management and planning decisions at Bandelier National Monument. Because many of the park's planning documents are out of date, preparing the foundation document is the first step for considering the park's future planning and study needs. Although the document does not make decisions about the future of the park, it describes a shared understanding of what is most important about the park.

The National Park Service invites the public to play a role in charting the park's future by sharing their thoughts on what is most important about Bandelier National Monument, and to help identify its most pressing threats and its greatest opportunities. This input will be taken into consideration by the project team.

You may submit your feedback here by responding to six questions about the park's significance, challenges, and opportunities. Comments submitted using this website will most helpful if received by May 31, 2014.

The public is also invited to attend one of the open houses planned on Tuesday, May 13, 2014. Open houses will be held at Mesa Public Library, 2400 Central Ave, Los Alamos, NM (Rooms 1 and 2 on the third floor) from 11:30 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. or at White Rock Town Hall, 139 Longview Drive, White Rock, NM from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. These open houses will be an opportunity to discuss the foundation document process with National Park Service staff and to submit your thoughts and ideas to the project team.
Comment Period: Closed        Apr 28, 2014 - May 31, 2014
Topic Questions:
1. What is most important about Bandelier National Monument?
2. What are the greatest threats to Bandelier National Monument?
3. What should citizens and visitors know about Bandelier National Monument?
4. What are challenges and/or opportunities related to the protection of cultural resources at Bandelier National Monument?
5. What are challenges and/or opportunities related to the protection of natural resources at Bandelier National Monument?
6. What are challenges and/or opportunities related to recreational use at Bandelier National Monument?

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