Scoping Letter

Dear Sir or Madam:

In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the National Park Service (NPS) is preparing an Environmental Assessment (EA) to evaluate a range of alternatives for a proposed update of and revisions to the Fire Management Plan at Manassas National Battlefield Park in Manassas, Virginia.

The purpose of the project is to meet the goals of federal policy for fire management at Manassas National Battlefield Park while providing park staff flexibility with fire management tools to meet management objectives, thereby increasing safety for firefighters who are fighting fires as well as public safety in general.

The EA will address the project background, the purpose and need for the proposed actions, environmental issues relating to fire management, potential impacts resulting from the alternatives considered (including the no action alternative), and public involvement and agency coordination.

Comments will be taken during this meeting and throughout the 30-day public scoping period. During this scoping period, the public is invited to identify any issues or concerns they might have with the proposed project, so the NPS can appropriately consider them in the preparation of the EA. The NPS will accept comments on the proposed project through March 24, 2014.

Please submit comments on-line by following the appropriate links at:
Fax comments to:
Attn: Fire Management Plan EA
Attn: Fire Management Plan EA
(703) 754-1107
Submit comments on a comment card at the public scoping meeting Mail comments directly to:
Attn: Fire Management Plan EA
Manassas National Battlefield Park
6511 Sudley Rd.
Manassas, VA 20109

Comment Period: Closed        Jan 21, 2014 - Mar 24, 2014
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