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EA, Chandler Lake Mitigation Project Access
The National Park Service (NPS) is considering issuing a right-of-way certificate of access (RWCA) to Ms. Mabel Burris of Anaktuvuk Pass for temporary access across lands in Gates of the Arctic National Park. Ms. Burris has a Native Allotment on the shores of Chandler Lake, which she proposes to be used as a staging site for Anaktuvuk Pass residents and contractors to remove military debris from the Chandler Lake area. The application requests permits to authorize access to her allotment with two 8-wheeled Argos in summers 2013 and 2014 with which to stage abandoned U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) materials for removal from several Native allotments and Native Corporation Lands around the Chandler Lakes area. One or two roundtrips with the Argos between Anaktuvuk Pass and Chandler Lake would be needed each summer. The abandoned DOD materials would be transported by snowmobiles and sleds (or by aircraft if there is inadequate snow cover) in subsequent spring seasons (2014 and 2015). Up to 40 roundtrips with snowmobiles and sleds loaded with about 300 pounds of debris each would be required each spring, or an estimated 80 roundtrips. The project is funded by the Native American Land Environmental Mitigation Program (NALEMP) through a cooperative agreement (CA) between the DOD and the village of Anaktuvuk Pass, a federally recognized Alaska Native tribe. The CA is managed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). RWCAs authorize the inholder access rights established by Section 1110(b) of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act. RWCAs protect park resources by establishing any necessary limits on the access and maintenance methods. This environmental assessment (EA) analyzes the potential environmental impacts which could result from the access alternatives considered, including the No-Action alternative.
Comment Period:
May 1, 2013 - May 31, 2013
Document Content: |
Superintendent's cover letter
(123.6 KB, PDF file)
Chandler Lake Mitigation Pproject Access EA
(3.8 MB, PDF file)
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