PEPC and Parkplanning will have an outage from 5 PM to 10 PM MT on July 19th due to network maintenance. Please plan and save your work accordingly.

Restoration of the Mariposa Grove of Giant Sequoias Draft Environmental Impact Statement

The primary goals of the Mariposa Grove EIS are to restore giant sequoia habitat and the natural processes that are critical to the long-term health of trees, and to improve the overall experience for visitors to the grove. Other goals are to protect special status species, enhance sustainability, improve visitor education and way-finding, improve visitor and employee safety, and protect cultural resource values throughout the design process. To achieve these goals, the Mariposa Grove DEIS presents and analyzes four alternatives, including a No Action Alternative. Alternative 2 (Preferred) would remove the parking lot and gift shop in the lower grove, remove the commercial tram operation and restore areas to natural conditions. A new transportation hub would be established near the South Entrance station that includes a visitor contact area with information and comfort facilities. Visitors would arrive to the lower grove by shuttle bus. Accessible pathways would be constructed, and a pedestrian trail would be established between the South Entrance station and the Mariposa Grove of Giant Sequoias.
Comment Period: Closed        Feb 26, 2013 - May 7, 2013
Document Content:
Superintendent Letter   (659.0 KB, PDF file)
Executive Summary and Table of Contents   (383.1 KB, PDF file)
Chapter 1. Purpose and Need   (6.0 MB, PDF file)
Chapter 2. Alternatives   (23.1 MB, PDF file)
Chapter 5. Bibliography   (3.5 MB, PDF file)
Appendix C. Restoration Plan   (4.9 MB, PDF file)
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