Project Scoping for an Environmental Assessment

The National Park Service (NPS) is preparing a Feral Hog Management Plan/Environmental Assessment (EA) for Big Thicket National Preserve. The plan will describe how feral hog populations will be managed to prevent or mitigate impacts on park resources and values. The EA, prepared in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act, will provide the decision-making framework that identifies significant issues and concerns facing park management, a presentation and analysis of a reasonable range of management alternatives and their effects, and a strategy to determine long-term management of feral hog populations at Big Thicket National Preserve.
Comment Period: Closed        Jan 10, 2013 - Feb 10, 2013
Topic Questions:
1. Are there any other Issues or Concerns with the project that you think we should consider?
2. Are there any other Alternatives that you think we should consider?
3. Do you have any other comments or suggestions you think we should consider in the EA?
Document Content:
Project Scoping Notice   (610.0 KB, PDF file)
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