Fire Management Plan

Executive Summary

National Park Service (NPS) policy requires that any NPS unit with combustible vegetation must prepare a Fire Management Plan. Policy also directs the management of hazardous wildland fuels. Three alternatives were considered for Moores Creek National Battlefield's Fire Management Plan – Alternative 1 - No-Action, suppression of any wildland fires, prescribed fire treatment for the 12 acre savanna unit, and conducting mechanical thinning and hazard tree removal projects on selected areas where hazardous fuels are present and pose a threat to park infrastructure and the local community; Alternative 2 - NPS preferred action that would adopt a fire management program of response to wildfires for resource and protection objectives while using prescribed fire, mechanical treatments, and chemical treatments for fuels management and restoration of cultural landscape; and Alternative 3 – Response to wildfire for resource or protection objectives coupled with mechanical and chemical treatment for fuels management. Suppression operations in each alternative would quickly respond to wildland fires and achieve effective control to protect human life and property with the least amount of damage to the park's natural and cultural resources.

Comment Period: Closed        Jun 15, 2012 - Jul 30, 2012
Document Content:
FMP Environmental Assessment   (2.8 MB, .docx file)
2012 Fire Management Plan   (4.9 MB, .docx file)
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