Broad Branch Stream Daylighting Environmental Assessment

The National Park Service (NPS) and District Department of the Environment (DDOE) release for public comment an Environmental Assessment (EA) regarding a proposed stream restoration project in Rock Creek Park. NPS and DDOE will accept comments regarding the EA from March 5, 2012, through April 5, 2012.

The proposed project would restore and daylight approximately 1,600 linear feet of stream that currently is piped beneath property owned by NPS and the District of Columbia. The restoration work would occur from approximately 36th Street, NW, to the crossing of Broad Branch Creek and Broad Branch Road, NW.

Although an electronic copy of the EA is posted here, printed copies are available for public review at the following locations:

Rock Creek Park Headquarters
3545 Williamsburg Lane, NW
Washington, D.C. 20008

Rock Creek Park Nature Center
5200 Glover Road, NW
Washington, D.C. 20015

Comments may be submitted here or mailed to:

Ms. Elizabeth Edelen Estes, Project Director
Environmental Planning & Compliance
Greenhorne & O'Mara, Inc.
6110 Frost Place
Laurel, Maryland 20707
Comment Period: Closed        Mar 5, 2012 - Apr 5, 2012
Document Content:
Broad Branch Stream Daylighting EA   (8.0 MB, PDF file)
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