Buck Island Reef National Monument Draft General Management Plan/Environmental Impact Statement

The General Management Plan and accompanying Environmental Impact Statement will serve as the guide for the park's protection and management over the next 15-20 years.

Four separate management alternatives were considered in the Draft GMP/EIS that would preserve significant natural and cultural resources, provide for public enjoyment, and address competing demands for limited resources and priorities for available funds and staff. The NPS's Preferred Alternative, Alternative B, emphasizes resource protection, civic engagement and partnering programs, and best addresses requirements established in the Presidential Proclamation. Alternative B increases resource protection by phasing out the existing anchoring area adjacent to West Beach over a 10-year period as moorings are installed. Larger vessel anchoring would be available by permit in five designated areas, as a way to minimize conflicts with near shore resources and visitors.

Please review the draft document for more detail on the preferred alternative and other alternatives.
Comment Period: Closed        Feb 24, 2012 - May 1, 2012
Document Content:
BUIS Draft GMP EIS Chapter 2   (7.6 MB, PDF file)
BUIS Draft GMP EIS Chapter 4   (981.3 KB, PDF file)
BUIS Draft GMP EIS Cover   (491.9 KB, PDF file)
BUIS Draft GMP EIS Summary   (231.0 KB, PDF file)
BUIS Draft GMP EIS Chapter 5   (169.3 KB, PDF file)
BUIS Draft GMP EIS Chapter 1   (930.3 KB, PDF file)
BUIS Draft GMP EIS Chapter 3   (1.3 MB, PDF file)
BUIS Draft GMP EIS Appendices   (3.9 MB, PDF file)
BUIS Draft GMP EIS Table of Contents   (52.6 KB, PDF file)
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