Rock Creek Park Multi-use Trail Rehabilitation EA

Pursuant to Section 101(2)(C) of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969, as amended, the National Park Service (NPS), in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the District Department of Transportation (DDOT), proposes to rehabilitate the Rock Creek Park multi-use trail in Washington, DC. The project area includes a 3.7-mile segment of the Rock Creek Park multi-use trail from Broad Branch Road to P Street, NW; a 4,300-foot (0.8 mile) segment of the Piney Branch Parkway trail from Beach Drive to Arkansas Avenue, NW; a 1,247-foot (0.2 mile) segment of social trail from Broad Branch Road to Peirce Mill (referred to as the Peirce Mill trail spur); and a 2,600-foot (0.5 mile) segment of the Rose Park trail from P Street, NW to M Street, NW. The proposed action includes resurfacing, trail widening where environmentally feasible, modifications to the trail alignments and road crossings, directional and interpretive signage, and connections to and from the trails to other pedestrian and bicycle facilities. The majority of the proposed improvements are located on NPS land, with some improvements located within District of Columbia right-of-way. A segment of the trail also passes through National Zoological Park property.

* Please note that the comment period closes on January 13, 2012. The date on page ii, Project Summary Note to Reviewers and Respondents and page 169, Chapter 5 Consultation and Coordination section 4 Comment Period, is in error.
Comment Period: Closed        Dec 2, 2011 - Jan 13, 2012
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EA   (14.9 MB, PDF file)
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