Newsletter #3 - Preliminary Alternatives

This newsletter presents four preliminary draft alternatives for managing the park as part of on-going work on a new General Management Plan. Each alternative offers a different approach to protecting and restoring park resources, using facilities, and providing a range of access and visitor experiences. The park planning team developed these alternatives based on the park's purpose and significance, issues that need to be addressed, legal mandates, and comments received during the public scoping process.
Comment Period: Closed        Aug 1, 2011 - Jan 2, 2012
Topic Questions:
1. Which ideas in the preliminary alternatives do you think should be included in the preferred alternative, and why?
2. Are there any important elements or ideas that were missed in the preliminary alternatives? Please describe and explain why these additional ideas are important.
3. Do you have a preference for any one particular alternative? If so, please explain why.
4. What else would you like the planning team to know as we write the Draft General Management Plan?
5. Do you have specific comments or concerns related to the Wilderness Study for the park?
Document Content:
Preliminary Alternatives Newsletter   (1.5 MB, PDF file)
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