Public Scoping Materials for the Wilderness Stewardship Plan/EIS - April 2011

Materials distributed to the public in the mail, by email, or at the public scoping meetings for the Wilderness Stewardship Plan are provided here. Use this link to provide comments and input. Please note if you use this website, your comments must be submitted by 11:59 pm Mountain Time on August 31, 2011.
Comment Period: Closed        Apr 11, 2011 - Aug 31, 2011
Topic Questions Instructions:
These topic questions are only meant to help you frame your responses and are not meant to limit your response or comments in any way. Please feel free to use or not use these questions in your scoping comments.
Topic Questions:
1. What concerns do you have about wilderness in Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks?
2. What are possible strategies for the protection of wilderness resources?
3. What is important to you about wilderness use and recreation?
4. What types of activities do you consider important and appropriate in wilderness? And inappropriate?
5. What are your thoughts on party/group size, food storage practices, and campfires?
6. What are your thoughts on commercial services in wilderness, such as guided hiking, guided stock trips, and guided climbing/mountaineering?
7. What are your thoughts on appropriate management activities and techniques in wilderness (Minimum requirements)?
8. Are there any areas of the wilderness or wilderness resources that warrant special consideration?
Document Content:
Wilderness Character Poster   (5.6 MB, PDF file)
Resources Poster   (5.2 MB, PDF file)
Public Scoping Brochure #1   (1.3 MB, PDF file)
Wilderness Legislation   (363.0 KB, PDF file)
Guide to Commenting   (53.4 KB, PDF file)
Guide to using the PEPC website   (54.3 KB, PDF file)
Purpose and Need Poster   (4.6 MB, PDF file)
Planning Timeline Poster   (1.3 MB, PDF file)
Welcome Poster   (2.2 MB, PDF file)
Issues Poster   (3.5 MB, PDF file)
Wilderness Timeline and History   (478.4 KB, PDF file)
Wilderness Act Poster   (4.5 MB, PDF file)
How to Comment Poster   (2.2 MB, PDF file)
Background Poster   (2.1 MB, PDF file)
Disclaimer: Links within the above document(s) were valid as of the date published.
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