Former Reserved Properties Management Plan and Environmental Assessment - July 2011

The National Park Service (NPS) has developed a management plan for certain properties at Cumberland Island National Seashore (CUIS) that come into full NPS ownership following the expiration of reserved property agreements in 2010 and 2011. The plan describes, in particular, how NPS will manage the various structures located on these reserved properties. It also develops a process to be used in determining the use of land and structures on reserved properties that expire at a later date.

The environmental assessment (EA) associated with the management plan analyzes potential impacts to the human environment resulting from two alternative courses of action. These alternatives are: Alternative A (no action) and Alternative B (allow a mixture of removal and adaptive re-use of structures). Under Alternative A, the NPS would minimally maintain all non-historic structures and preserve three historic structures (i.e., The Grange, Beach Creek Dock House, and Stafford Beach House) in accordance with the Secretary of Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties. Under Alternative B, NPS would take the following actions: (a) remove all structures on the properties known as Nancy's Fancy, Toonahowie, and the Schwartz-Jenkins property; (b) reuse the non-historic Goodsell and Phillips properties as employee/volunteer/researcher housing; (c) reuse the historic Grange and Beach Creek Dock House for visitor services, education, and/or recreation; and (d) reuse the historic Stafford Beach House for employee/volunteer/researcher housing. Alternative B would preserve and protect historic structures at The Grange, Beach Creek Dock House, and Stafford Beach House as required by applicable law and policy.

Alternative B is the environmentally preferred alternative. Alternative B is also the NPS preferred alternative. The impacts from Alternative B range from "negligible" to "moderate." Alternative B will not impair park resources or values.
Comment Period: Closed        Jul 11, 2011 - Aug 12, 2011
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