Jackson Hole Airport Use Agreement Extension Final EIS

The Jackson Hole Use Agreement Final Environmental Impact Statement evalutes a proposal submitted to the National Park Service by the Jackson Hole Airport Board to extend the existing airport use agreement for two ten-year extensions, until 2053. Two full alternatives were evaluated in detail, including the No Action Alternative and the Preferred Alternative.

The NPS Preferred Alternative would grant two ten-year extensions to the existing use agreement and strengthen the commitment to reduce impacts from airport operations.
Document Content:
FEIS Chapters 1 - 6   (3.9 MB, PDF file)
Dear Interested Party Letter   (475.0 KB, PDF file)
FEIS Appendix G   (5.1 MB, PDF file)
FEIS Appendices A and B   (4.7 MB, PDF file)
FEIS Appendices C through F   (3.1 MB, PDF file)
FEIS Appendix H   (4.9 MB, PDF file)
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