Environmental Assessment for Wupatki National Monument Wastwater System Project

Wupatki National Monument (WUPA) is proposing to replace the treatment and disposal method for the existing administrative area wastewater system, which consists of three evaporative lagoons. The three evaporative lagoons provide constant compliance and operational concerns due to the undersized leveling system between the lagoons. In addition, a variety of problems with piping and poor design have resulted in violations of Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) and United Sates Public and Health Safety regulations over the years. The lagoons are also located in the viewshed of the monument and the primary view from the visitor center. WUPA proposes to rehabilitate the existing wastewater system by replacing the treatment and disposal method to meet the ADEQ and U.S. Health Public Service standards. The rehabilitation of the existing wastewater system will accommodate the current and future wastewater use for the current annual visitation numbers and residential and employee housing plus the projected annual visitation numbers. The proposed improvements would also enhance employee health and safety by eliminating handling of raw sewage, eight confined spaces (manholes), and improve visitor experience by restoring the landscape and viewshed to natural conditions.
Comment Period: Closed        Aug 9, 2010 - Sep 9, 2010
Document Content:
WUPA Wastewater EA   (2.2 MB, PDF file)
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