27383 - Special Park Uses - Weddings, Photography, and Filming

Such park uses will be restricted to trails, sidewalks and other developed areas normally used the general public for normal recreational (visitation) purposes. See attached: EFMO Special Park Uses - Special Considerations

Such activities include parking vehicles, use of park trails and river overlooks, or use of the developed visitor center lawn area. Parking is restricted to the hardened VC parking lot for permitted activities, the accessibility parking lot located near the Little Bear Effigy Mound and the developed gravel parkoing lot at Sny Magill. To minimize special park use requests, props such as tables, chairs, rice, bird seed, balloons, small free standing tents, prepared food, etc., will not be allowed due to the sacred nature of monument.

Requests for special park uses by federally recognized American Indian tribes and tribal members are given special consideration by the superintendent and are not described in this project.

Location zone maps and restrictions are not necessary as the only areas approved for these special park uses are as clearly limited as those for any other park visitor activity. Special park use group sizes are limited to the same group size imposed for ranger guided activities. Approved special park uses that are judged to require more than the clear limitations and restrictions as described in the conditions of the permit (do not wander off the developed parking lots, visitor center lawn or hiking trails) will have a park ranger assigned to monitor the activity.
Comment Period: Closed        Apr 16, 2010 - May 16, 2010
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