Public Meeting for the Manassas Battlefields Viewshed Study

Public Meeting for the Manassas Battlefields Viewshed Study
Wednesday, January 13, 2010 at 7 PM
Henry Hill Visitor Center, Manassas National Battlefield Park,
6511 Sudley Road, Manassas, VA

Manassas National Battlefield Park (Park) staff and Prince William County Planning Office staff are jointly managing a grant from the American Battlefield Protection Program to study the Battlefields' militarily significant views. This is the third and final public meeting for the Manassas Battlefields Viewsheds Study project.

The reason for this meeting is to:
• present the draft Viewshed Preservation Plan.
• solicit comment from the public.

Copies of the draft Viewshed Preservation Plan (VPP) are available at the Henry Hill Visitor Center, at Park Headquarters; in the Prince William County Planning Office; at the Chinn Regional, Bull Run Regional, Central Community, and Gainesville Neighborhood libraries; and on-line at (under Parks select Manassas NBP, select Conduct Study of Critical Historic Viewsheds of Manassas Battlefield, select Open for Public Comment).

All comments on the VPP are due to the Park no later than January 27, 2010. Comments can also be placed on line at the PEPC website referenced above. For further information or to comment on the VPP please call the Park Headquarters at 703-754-1861, extension 0.

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