Herring River Restoration Project: Public Scoping

We are requesting your input in developing the Herring River Restoration project Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)/Environmental Impact Report (EIR). Scoping is the first step to involve the public in the environmental impact analysis process. Scoping includes providing opportunities for the public to comment so that concerns are identified early and the analysis is focused on important issues. Because the project EIS/EIR will analyze many complex ecological and social issues, your participation is encouraged and needed. The Herring River Restoration Project Scoping Newsletter provides an overview of the Herring River system, the purpose of and need for action, project objectives, issues identified thus far, and preliminary alternative concepts. Additional information is available in the Conceptual Restoration Plan for the Herring River, and through the Town of Wellfleet's Herring River Restoration Update web page - both are available under "Links".
Comment Period: Closed        Jul 31, 2008 - Oct 31, 2008
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