Greenway V Environmental Assessment

An Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Greenway V trail project can be accessed at the link below. Grand Canyon National Park is proposing to construct a one mile long trail between Pipe Creek Vista and the South Kaibab Trailhead located on the South Rim of the Grand Canyon. Proposed actions include construction of a trail, improvements to existing parking areas at Pipe Creek Vista, and improvements at the South Kaibab Trailhead. The scope of the project also includes designation of approximately one mile of connecting trail between the South Entrance Road and the proposed Greenway V trail segment.

The EA evaluates two alternatives for addressing the purpose and need for action and also evaluates taking no action (Alternative A, No Action). The initiation of this planning effort was included in a June 2006 public scoping letter. Responses to this scoping effort were used during the preparation of the EA.

The press release and EA release letter announcing the availability of the EA can also be found below.
Comment Period: Closed        Jan 9, 2008 - Feb 11, 2008
Document Content:
Greenway V Environmental Assessment   (3.0 MB, PDF file)
Press Release   (22.0 KB, PDF file)
Letter from the Superintendent   (56.1 KB, PDF file)
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