Finding of No Significant Impact St. Mary Visitor Center Improvements

The purpose of this project is to provide a transit system terminal at the St. Mary Visitor Center in Glacier National Park (park) in order to support the park's transit system. The park's transit system is part of the rehabilitation of the Going-to-the-Sun Road (GTSR), giving park visitors the option of traveling on a bus system rather than driving the GTSR, so as to reduce traffic congestion during road rehabilitation. At present, at the St. Mary Visitor Center, there are no transit bus turnaround areas, no bus pick-up/drop-off points, no transit information kiosks, and there is an inadequate number of parking spaces to accommodate the anticipated park transit bus riders. The proposal does not constitute an action that normally requires preparation of an environmental impact statement (EIS) and will not constitute an impairment to Glacier National Park's resources and values.
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